Our lab is located in the Spence Labs of Psychology on The University of Iowa campus.

For parking reimbursement, please park in the Tower parking garage (entrance on Iowa Avenue). We will meet you in in the main lobby of the Psychological and Brain Sciences Building, which is the building across the street (please see below for a marked image).

Google Maps Link: https://goo.gl/maps/pyrZ1TjKYhfvS12RA

Family parking and entrance for visits


1: Tower Place and Parking - here is where you should park when you arrive for a visit (parking will be compensated)

2: Main entrance to Psychological Brain Sciences Building (PBSB). You will see the main entrance from across the street when you park at Tower Place and Parking. Upon entering PBSB, you will be in the main lobby. A research team member will meet you in the lobby to bring you to our lab.